News & Advice

Do Bounty Hunters Need A Warrant To Enter A House?

Do Bounty Hunters Need A Warrant To Enter A House

Do Bounty Hunters Need A Warrant To Enter A House?

Kansas is one of the 15 states that doesn’t have a law governing bounty hunters. All they need to make an arrest is a copy of the “bail piece” (the paperwork indicating that the person is a fugitive) and, in some states, a certified copy of the bond. He or she doesn’t need a warrant, can enter private property unannounced and doesn’t have to read a fugitive his or her Miranda rights before making the arrest.

At the point of bail, the contract specifically takes away some legal rights of the defendant that includes allowing a bounty hunter to enter the house of a fugitive to re-arrest in case he or she attempts to escape. This is possible after establishing without any doubt that the person lives there. They cannot enter a property of a 3rd party such as friends or family members to look for the fugitive.