News & Advice

What Does Case Bond Mean?

What Does Case Bond Mean?

A case bond is a bail bond used specifically for federal cases. In federal cases, defendants may be required to pay bail to be released from custody while awaiting trial. A case…
What Is The Purpose Of Bail Bond?

What Is The Purpose Of Bail Bond?

The purpose of a bail bond is to provide an option for defendants who cannot afford to pay their full bail amount, allowing them to be released from jail while they await…
What Does Jail Bond Mean?

What Does Jail Bond Mean?

A jail bond is a type of bail bond explicitly used for defendants in jail. A bail bondsman typically provides a bail bond and pays the bail amount on the defendant's behalf…
Is Bail Always Granted?

Is Bail Always Granted?

No, bail is not always granted. Whether or not bail is given depends on various factors, including the severity of the crime, the defendant's criminal history, and the risk of flight posed…
What Does Bail Mean In Court?

What Does Bail Mean In Court?

Bail in court refers to the amount of money a defendant must pay to the court to guarantee that they will attend all required court hearings. If the defendant attends all of…