News & Advice


Halstead, KS – Bondsman Service – Call 24/7

halstead ks

Top Bail Bonds Service in Halstead, KS

Were you or someone you know put in jail?

Bail exists simply to get you out of a seriously unwanted situation. Most importantly, we can help you, a friend or loved one get out of jail quickly. The amount required is only 10 percent. The bail amount is based on the seriousness of the charges, a person’s record, and the probability of the individual showing up for the court date.

  • Same Day Results
  • Honest % fee, no hidden tricks
  • We Accept Payment Plans
  • Call us 24/7 – We Always Pick Up

We are a faith based business built on Honesty, Integrity, and Trust. If you or the person who has been arrested and put in jail is a resident of Halstead, KS, we can help you with processing and court dates.

We’ll even come to pick you up and help you get through the process. Our office is close to Halstead and we all understand that people can occasionally run into hard times.