News & Advice

How Much Does A $100,000 Bond Cost?

how much is a 100000 bail bond fee

A $100,000 bail bond is a significant risk for a bail bonds company; you will still pay the 10% fee which would leave your total cost to a bail bonds company at $10,000.

The average person doesn’t usually have $100,000 as a flat fee cost to the court.  So you would want to go to a bail bondsman.  For a bail bonds company to help you, they will make an agreement with you to pay collateral of some kind or cash at a 10% fee, which is $10,000 as a non-refundable fee for their service in posting the full $100,000.

Even though the percentage of the bail that you are paying does not change from the 10% margin, $10,000 can be difficult for the average person to come up with on short notice and this can make it tough to negotiate with a bail bonds company that may not be willing to take on the risk of such a large bond either.  Things like vehicle title liens or property deeds are sometimes accepted in this case.

If you fail to make your court date, the bondsman is then liable for your debt to the court, so it’s a big risk. Usually, a good referral, background, history or collateral is required.