News & Advice

Thankfulness In The Bail Bonds Business

A Second Chance Bail Bonds in Butler County, KS, Kansas

This is the season to be thankful! I think every season is the season is the season to be thankful! The bail bonds business has taught me how to be even more thankful. It is a amazing that so long ago I was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ by a bail bonds agent and here I am today as a bail bonds agent. The significance of the picture is perfect, this is the place where my bail bonds career began before I even knew it was beginning. There was a divine appointment set in place for me that God had already ordained and anointed. I believe it was also true for the owner of A Second Chance Bail Bonds. I am not sure he knew it at the time, but he was about to have his hands full with a little punk kid who had never taken any kind of guidance at all. It was at the men’s retreat put on by World Impact in October of 2014 that truly changed my life. I can look back and see the intentional plan that was set before me. It took a bail bonds owner to finally hold me accountable in my life, imagine that. I never even knew what bail bonds was, and I all of a sudden was put in a position to start bonding people out of jail so that I could give them the good news of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made so that I could have life. It is only through his blood that I have redemption and restoration in my life. I am thankful that I am in the bail bonds business and get the opportunity to speak life into people and their circumstances in life. I am thankful that bail bonds has opened up so many more avenues in life for me to see God’s glory. I am thankful for the relationships that bail bonds has created in my life. I am thankful for the owners of A Second Chance Bail Bonds and the way that they love Jesus which pours out into others. Bail bonds brought me to a point of maturity that brought me back to my family. I am so thankful for my wife and my daughter and our family today. I couldn’t imagine doing this life without her. All of this started at a men’s retreat in October of 2014 when I met the owner of A Second Chance Bail Bonds, and he took me on as a brother. He made me family and walked closely with me reading scripture and teaching me scripture. It has completely changed my life being in this bail bonds family and I am forever grateful for that.

You see, bail bonds is so much more than a company that is going and getting people out of jail! Over here at A Second Chance Bail Bonds, it is family and life. And we are going to continue to be on this mission trying to see people restored to a life of redemption in the salvation of Jesus Christ.