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What Is A Free Woman?

What Is A Free Woman?

The term “free woman” does not have a specific legal or social meaning. However, the term may be used in different contexts to refer to a woman who is not currently incarcerated or serving a sentence, or a woman who is not enslaved or otherwise held captive.

In the context of the criminal justice system, a free woman may refer to a woman who has been released on bail or who has completed her sentence and has been released from prison. This term is often used in contrast to a woman currently incarcerated or serving a sentence.

Outside of the criminal justice system, the term “free woman” may be used to refer to a woman who is not subject to slavery or other forms of involuntary servitude. This term can be used in contrast to women who are enslaved or otherwise held in captivity, either in the past or on the present.

Overall, the term “free woman” can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.